Strategic Plan Review:Pending action items from the strategic plan were reviewed and board members gave updates.
Treasurer’s report: Linda Rosen reported that as expected we have a deficit for the year, but that was anticipated, and the expenses were covered by our reserves.
Membership: We are now at 154 members. Gayle Mc Kinney-Peterson held a new member orientation. She will hold them quarterly and has scheduled one for November.
Payments:Credit card service is up and working.
What’s Up: This new email feature is being mailed to members two times a month with the latest activities
Discussion about requests for information: The Gazette has requested that we submit an article each month.
Source of Information: We want the League to be an accurate source of information on elections and how to vote issues. When we get questions we will check the facts, and if we need to, we will go to an expert such as ROV to get the answer before responding.
Voter Service:Our teams are very actively engaged in putting on the candidate forums and Pros & Cons videos this month. Karen Weeks has been working with a graduate student to help us develop candidate questions.
Youth Committee: We are now scheduled for 6 schools and 32 classrooms. Our partnership with the libraries are going well. The Library had a lot of the material in Spanish which we may use. Robyn & Chris are working with the SRJC on ambassadors. We are also working with SSU. We signed up 20 new ambassadors.
SSU students:We are co-sponsoring “It Matters’ The message is that voting matters. There is a series of events between now and the election. It kicks off on Wed 9/11. We are a sponsor, and we have made a donation. Link is
Post Election Socialis Nov 18th4 – 6 pm at the So Co Children’s Museum.
Tabling opportunities: Donna Roper reported that there is tabling at the So Co Children’s; Museum through September. We have experienced volunteers willing to train new people. Donna Roper is sending out emails on tabling opportunities and listing them in the events. Those interested should send an email to Donna.
Office issues: We will be purchasing a new copy machine which can do printing on both sides of the paper.
Nominating Committee: Donna Roper reminded the Board members that we need a Chair and committee members.
Fundraising: We are applying to be a recipient of the proceeds from a Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence Bingo Night and perhaps this could be a League social.
6th Street Playhouse is offering a play titled “What the Constitution Means to Me” in January. We are exploring being a sponsor of the premier and offering this as a social to our members.
Advocacy: The committee is waiting for information on how the Board of Supervisors will respond to the lawsuit over the well ordinance and the judge’s ruling on the Sonoma Development Center. The next meeting has been moved to the second Wed in November (11/13) due to the date of the general election.
Local Ballot Measures: Our local league may only take a position of support or opposition if the issue is one our local league or the state league has studied and on which the League has formulated a position. There also needs to be a consensus of the Board as to whether to support or oppose, which is different than a simple vote.
There was no consensus to support or oppose any of the local ballot measures. Debbie Mc Kay will write up a procedure which may be used in the future for local ballot measures, and will bring it back to the board for discussion and approval.
Membership: We now have 184 members, including several students. Currently students are not required to pay dues.
National Dues Structure scheduled for Jan 2025: Under the new National Member system there will no longer be a “student” member category and student dues will not be waived. The new minimum dues will be $20. “Student membership” will be a topic on a future board agenda for a discussion on whether or not or local wishes to subsidize student dues.
New Member Orientation: The next orientation is scheduled for Nov. 13that 5:30 pm at the League Office 555 Fifth St. SR in the Conference room.
Gazette Articles: The Sonoma County Gazette is currently welcoming articles from the League. Leona had a great article in the October issue. Debbie Mc Kay will write an article for the November edition with a focus on the electoral college.
Radio Interviews: Robyn Bramhall recently did an interview with KOWS, a local radio station, and she will do another interview with Women’s Voices in October.
Voter Services:
Candidate Forums:A debrief on the forum process is scheduled for Monday, October 7th. Feedback will be used to update the candidate forums manual. Leona & Chris are stepping down from coordinating the candidate forums once the manual has been updated. The Board thanked Juanita Roland for the great job of posting the links to all the candidate forums on our webpage. All the forums are now on our YouTube channel.
Pros and Cons: Lynne Dooley reported that she has done 15 presentations and has 17 more to go. So far 515 people have attended. We have had more requests for presentations than we can fill. All the pros & cons video are on our YouTube channel in both English & Spanish.
Youth Committee: We expect to reach 1300 students this fall. The partnership with the Library is going well and they are providing tote bags and bilingual materials. We have enough volunteers to cover the scheduled classrooms. We may do more training for volunteers in the spring.
Tabling opportunities: Lynn Dooley suggested we consider developing a tabling plan for recruiting young people to join the League, rather than just focusing on Voter registrations because most eligible people in Sonoma County are already registered to Vote.