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The Voter - March 2025

Published on 3/15/2025

Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy.
Your Vote is Your Voice

The Voter
March 2025
The official Newsletter of the League of Women Voters of Sonoma County.
Volume30, Issue 3

In this Issue:

Remembering Sue Jackson
Debbie McKay

I got to know Sue Jackson in the late eighties, and she was always giving back to her community.She served as a volunteer Commissioner for several years on the Personnel Commission of the Sonoma County Office of Education (SCOE).She was also a CASA.A CASA is a trained volunteer child advocate appointed by a judge of the Juvenile Court to represent the best interests of abused and neglected children coming before the Juvenile court for protection and rehabilitation services. During the time the child remains in the Juvenile Court System, the CASA volunteer investigates the child's circumstances, provides factual information, and makes recommendations to the court while becoming a friend and support system in a child's case.CASAs are a powerful voice in a child's life.

Sue joined the League in the early 2000s.After trying several League committees and activities, she decided to focus on the League’s candidate information system, formerly known as Voter’s Edge and currently known as Vote411.She was an excellent communicator and both persistent and persuasive. She had a track record of almost always convincing the candidates to provide their information to the League, and we became one of the most successful leagues in the state for gathering and sharing candidate information.She really enjoyed contacting and conversing with candidates…it was her favorite part of the Vote411 job.

Sue had many talents and was always willing to help others.She was a Regional Manager for Manpower, Inc. an international staffing service company.She completed training to become a professional masseuse.Later in her life she was an administrative aide at the Sonoma County Open Space District. She had a lifetime of making Sonoma County a better place in many ways and was cherished by her friends and family.

Sue was diagnosed with lung cancer last summer and passed away peacefully on February 17. She insisted on working on Vote411 into the fall until she just couldn’t any longer. She left behind three children and five grandchildren. Her husband of 42 years, Robin, passed away in 2021.

We miss you Sue, and are so grateful for the time you spent with us.

Charitable donations may be made in Sue’s memory to The American Lung Association atDonation Lung Association

What does the League Mean to You?
Leona Judson


The League of Women Voters has been around since 1920, shortly after women gained the right to vote. The Sonoma County League has been here since the mid 1950’s. We currently have over 200 members. There hasbeen a significant increase in membership since the recent election. But only about forty members are active.The last two new member orientations were well attended with several commenting on their frustration with what is going on at the national level.

If there is ever a time to consider becoming more active in your league, the time is now. There is so much to do. Here are some areas that could use your help:

  • Stand Up for Democracy- a new project aimed at educating voters on the basics of civics and encourage engagement with local government commissions. Contact Lynn Dooley for details
  • Check out our committees- Advocacy, Youth Outreach, Book Club. Our website calendar will provide meeting times & Zoom links.
  • Help with our website- many small jobs. Contact Juanita Roland
  • Attend our monthly membership meetings- We feature an informed speaker to focus on issues our league is working on.
  • Tabling- Having a table at communityevents is a way for our league to be visible and to provide voter education. Contact our
  • Join our Board- We have board positions that need to be filled (voter service,membership chair & others. There are also three “at-large” positions.

Our biggeststrength is our membership. Without active and engaged members our effectiveness is diminished. What is your passion?There is something for everyone to do, big & small.

April Monthly Meeting
April 28th 6:00-7:30 PM on Zoom
The Ins and Outs of Running for Elected Office
Lynn Dooley

April Monthly League Meeting

Hot Topic:The Ins & Outs of Running for Elected Office

Monday, April 28that 6-7:30pm (NOTE TIME)

Zoom event – registration required

In keeping with our goal of encouraging involvement in local government our April Monthly League Meeting will feature a panel discussion aboutThe Ins & Outs of Running for Elected Office.

Have you ever considered running for local office?Or does holding an elected office seem enticing, but you need to learn more?In either case this event is for you.This event will give you a realistic perspective about the process, challenges and rewards of running for local elected office.

Our panel of elected officials will discuss their paths to office as well as the challenges and rewards of their experience.Our impressive list of participants includes:

Ernesto Olivares - former Santa Rosa Police Lieutenant, Violence Prevention Manager, Former Santa Rosa Council Member and Mayor.

Joanna Paun - Petaluma School Board member

Mark Stapp – Santa Rosa City Council member and current Mayor, District 2

Mary Watts – Sonoma County Office of Education Board Member, Area 3

Rebecca Hermosillo – Sonoma County Supervisor, District 1 & Vice Chair

Don’t miss this informative event.It could change your life!

Register in advance for this meeting:

Register for Meeting

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.Presented in Spanish and English


Stand Up for Democracy
Lynn Dooley

TheSTAND UP FOR DEMOCRACY team believes that



We feel there are passionate people in our community who want to deepen their understanding of civics and local government but don't knowhowto get that information. Our committee is creating a basic civics program so members of our community can understandhow government is supposed to runon the federal, state and local level. We will also show them how they can put their passions to work by getting involved in local government through city and county boards and commissions.


To that end our committee is moving forward with a multi-media campaign.The campaign content will include:

  • Promoting the basics of the Constitution & the Congress
  • Promoting the facts behind some of the hottest topics hitting the news daily
  • Informing the public how to join local boards & commissions


Our on-going campaign will touch social media, local newspapers and a long list of community organizations.If you have 1-2 hours a week and you’d like to contribute to this worthwhile endeavor, please consider joining:

  • The Content Writer Team,
  • The Social Media Outreach Team,
  • The Community Organization Outreach Team or
  • The Local Media Outreach Team.


Find out more about what’s involved by contacting Lynn Dooley


Our democracy is being challenged every day.

We cannot wait.We need to act NOW.

Join Us!

Why Are We Supporting Boycotts?
Deborah J. McKay

Why Are We Supporting Boycotts of Certain Businesses at This Time?

“Today, LWVUS is standing with partners inboycotting companiesthat have dissolved their DEI programs, such as Amazon, Walmart, and Target.” – League of Women Voters of the US

Why Boycotts?Kevin Thompson, a finance expert and the founder and CEO of 9i Capital Group, toldNewsweek: "The goal is to demonstrate how even a single day of consumer restraint can affect corporate bottom lines, ultimately pushing for change.This initiative aims to reclaim economic power for the people by showing that collective financial action can drive corporate and societal shifts."

While voting is a primary method of creating change, Thompson said, “Your wallet can be an even more powerful tool.

"History has shown us this—our ancestors leveraged economic pressure in 1955 during the Montgomery Bus Boycott, which lasted far longer than a single day and led to real systemic change," Thompson said. "While the impact of a one-day boycott may be limited, its true power lies in mobilizing a like-minded community. If this initiative sparks a larger movement, its long-term influence could extend far beyond February 28."

"This protest's real power lies in its potential for escalation," he said. "If The People's Union follows through with planned longer-term boycotts,we could see significant shifts in how corporations balance profit margins against social responsibility. Smart investors are already watching this movement closely."Kevin Thompson, Newsweek Feb 10tharticle

When will the next Economic Blackout be held?

Per Individuals’ Union U.S.A.– established by John Schwarzmark these dates--

Mar 21-28:Nestlé Blackout:Boycotting due to water exploitation & child labor.

Mar 28:24-Hr Economic Blackout #2:No spending for one full day.

Apr 7-13:Walmart Blackout:Support local businesses, not billionaires.

Apr 18:24-Hr Economic Blackout #3:Another full 24-hr halt to the economy.

Apr 21-27:General Mills Blackout:Support local businesses, not billionaires.

May 6-12:Second Amazon blackout: Support local businesses, not billionaires

June 3-9:Target Boycott: Reinstate DEI

June 24-30:McDonald's Boycott: Reinstate DEI

July 4:Independence Day 24-Hr-boycott: Another full 24-hr halt to the economy.

Reclaim your economic power.More actions will follow.

Read more:


Take the Sonoma County General Plan Vision Survey
By Jim Masters

The Sonoma County Board of Supervisors is updating the General Plan, which guides development.Tell us your vision for Sonoma County's future! TakeTake Surveyand tell us your priorities for the General Plan. Your responses will help to identify a shared vision for the future of Sonoma County, which will guide the General Plan Update. The survey takes approximately 10 to 15 minutes to complete and is available in both English and Spanish. You can select which language you prefer in the survey.Learn more about ourCommunity Engagement Plan

Nominating Committee
By Deborah J. McKay

Nominating Committee Vacancies

Do you know who is on the League Board of Directors and how they got there?(Hint: There is a list of board members in this edition of The Voter.)Members typically volunteer to serve or are nominated by someone.

Members will vote on a slate of candidates at our annual member meeting which is held in May or June.This is the time of year we need to nominate members to serve on the Board in the upcoming year.If you are interested in serving on the Board, please let us know by sending an email toinfo@lwvsonoma.orgor by contacting one of the current Board members.

Not ready to serve on the Board?How about the Nominating Committee?We need volunteers to serve on our Nominating Committee to review and recommend candidates for the Board.It is a short term commitment, usually lasting only a couple of months.We will provide you with a list of existing members.You will most likely recognize some of the names.

Think about who would be a good board member.Qualities to look for are dedication to the mission of the League and a willingness to attend monthly meetings.Board members make decisions that move us forward on carrying out our mission.Our Mission – “The League of Women Voters encourages the informed and active participation of citizens in government. It influences public policy through education and advocacy.”

Have a friend who would be a good Board member, but they are not yet a member of the League?Want to know more about what is involved in serving on the board? Let’s talk.Contact me

The SAVE Act
Donna J Roper

FOR YOUR INFORMATION! The National League is working on this but you could call your representativesto counterthis proposal.

Introduced by Republican Chip Roy from Texas the SAVE Act would put up barriers to voting by requiring every single American citizen to provide very specific documents, chiefly by either presenting a passport or an original copy of their birth certificate,in personwhen registering to vote and anytime they update their voter registration.

    • This would be on top of voter ID laws that the majority of states already have in place.
    • Surveys show that eight in tenmarried womenhave changed their surname, meaning they do not possess a birth certificate that matches their current legal name and therefore could not present it as valid proof of citizenship.
    • Rural voters, working class voters, voters of color, and older Americansare less likely to hold a passport or readily accessible birth certificate, disproportionately harming their ability to vote under this bill.
    • Members of the US Militarycould not even use their military ID to register to vote, unless it is accompanied by their military service record AND that record shows they were born in the US. Members of the military born overseas, including while their parents were serving abroad, could not use this type of ID.
    • Tribal citizenswould be unable to register using their Tribal ID alone. The SAVE Act would require Tribal ID to show the holder’s place of birth as the US, but most Tribal IDs do not list a place of birth.
    • This bill would preventsurvivors of natural disastersfrom registering or re-registering to vote if their passport or original birth certificate was lost or damaged.

If legislators really want to secure and improve elections, they should invest in upgraded equipment, expanded staffing for election administrators, and training for poll workers.


Board Briefs
Debbie McKay

March Board Briefs


Presentation:Hugo Mata Lara, who is both bilingual and bicultural, and has a background in radio, TV, and other media, explained that different Hispanic communities have differences in their use of language and their traditions.He shared that a large part of the Hispanic community has been left behind in term of receiving attention.Mr. Mata Lara gave a presentation on how to contact and collaborate with the Hispanic community in Sonoma County


Treasurer’s report:Linda Rosen reported we have approximately $5,000 in checking and $82,000 in our Money Market account.


National Women’s History Alliance:We join the Alliance as a partner with a $100 donation


State Convention:League’s State convention will be June 17 – 22 and will be entirely Virtual.


Advocacy:VP of Advocacy, Jim Masters, sent a letter to the Board of Supervisors urging more time be allotted for public input on cannabis.The League also sent a letter to the Board of Supes about more transparency on agenda items and backup report and material.Jim Masters has requested individual meetings with members of the Board of Supervisors to discuss fire safety and roads.


The ACLU is working on a “national Firewall” for Freedom Manifesto on what state and local chapter of ACLU can do about responding to changes at the federal level.Jim Masters sent an email to Jim Duffy at the local ACLU to see if there are ways our two organizations can partner on issues of concern.


Areas of Emphasis:At the program planning meeting all current local areas of emphasis were retained and there was one addition- immigration.


Membership:We have 203 members now.We held a successful new member orientation.


Voter Services:We do not have a chair for this committee yet. If you are interested or want more info, please send an email to


Youth Committee:Students in clubs are going into classrooms with a short “Meet the League” presentation.


Youth Outreach:We had a table at the Los Cien Youth presentation at Healdsburg HS.We will also have a table at the SRJC Climate Action event.


Stand up for Democracy:The committee is meeting weekly. The big challenge is the “how” of the methods for getting information out.


Monthly League Member Meeting: The next meeting is March 24thon the Southeast Greenway park.It is an example of a grassroots effort that produced results even though it took a long time.Don’t miss the March 29thAAUW Petaluma film festival. (See evets calendar for details.)


Nominations Committee:We still need a chair for this important committee.


Next Meeting:April 5th10:30 am


Submitted by:Debbie Mc Kay, Board Secretary

Welcome New Members
It's great to have you on our team.

Nancy Essaf, Santa Rosa

Jill S. LaNouette, Santa Rosa
Pam Lerner, Sonoma
Heather Massie, Santa Rosa
Celeste Rogers,Guerneville

Sarah Swinerton, Glen Ellen

Kathryn Tessmer, Petaluma
Christy Zahner, Windsor


March 20,ModeratorJan Randall:

The Exceptions: Nancy Hopkins and the Fight for Women in Scienceby Kate Zernike, 2023, 424 pages
The origin of this book is a story that Zernike wrote forThe Boston Globe. (She later was on a team at theNew York Timesthat won a Pulitzer for explanatory reporting.) From a review inScience: “With support from the dean of science and MIT’s president, both men, Hopkins then led a committee that gathered data on metrics including women’s salaries, lab space, teaching assignments, and grants relative to men. The resulting report found that the MIT faculty women often received less of everything compared with their equally accomplished male colleagues and that, in 1994, the percentage of women science faculty at MIT—8%—had not changed appreciably for 20 years”. Eventually MIT admitted fault and became a “pacesetter for promoting gender equality.”

April 17, Moderator Judie Coleman:
Red Sorrow: A memoir of the Cultural Revolutionby Nanchu / 2012 / 325 Pages

At the outbreak of the Cultural Revolution, 13-year-old Nanchu watched Red Guards destroy her home and torture her parents, whom they jailed. She was left to fend for herself and her younger brother. When she grew older, she herself became a Red Guard and was sent to the largest work camp in China.

LWVSC Calendar

Check theOnline Calendarfor the latest scheduleand for location or links to virtual meetings.

Link to Calendar

Connect with the League

We want to hear from you!
LWVSC Board of Directors
and Other Officers

Donna Roper, President
Robyn Bramhall, VP Administration
Jim Masters, VP Advocacy
Debbie McKay, Secretary
Linda Rosen, Treasurer
Iris Levitis, Gayle Peterson, Membership
Open, Community Outreach
Open, Voter Service
Leona Judson, Programs
Juanita Roland, Web/Communications
Lynn Dooley, Member at Large
Chris Riezenman, Member at Large
Linda Robinett,VoterEditor
Some Useful Links


lwv.sonoma.orgVote 411

FacebookYou Tube

LWV of Bay
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LWV of the United
LWV Members Portal:


League of Women Voters Sonoma County

The most direct way to join your membership is to go to the LWV Membership portalMembershipPortal.You may pay your dues online, or you can print out your invoice and send it along with your dues to our office at the address below. You can also get to the membership portal from our website at
Here are some links of interest.
LWV Sonoma Web Site
LWV Sonoma YouTube

555 Fifth Street, Suite 300-O
Santa Rosa, CA 95401-8301
(707) 545-5943