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LWV - Sonoma County
555 Fifth St. Suite 300O
Santa Rosa, CA 95401 
Phone #: 707-546-5943
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Date: 12/8/2024
Subject: What's Up @ LWV Sonoma County
From: League of Women Voters of Sonoma County

Empowering Voters.  Defending Democracy.
Your Vote is Your Voice

Coming Events

Not many meetings this month as we recover from the Election push and get ready for the holidays, but a lot is still going on with the League and there a lot of work still to be done to Defend Our Democracy.

LWV is Changing the way It Handles Memberships
Planned for February 1, 2025

Membership Signups and Renewals will soon be handled primarily by LWVUS.

Most members will not need to do anything right now.

These are actions that some of  you might need to take to make the transition go more smoothly. 

  • Contact Information:  If your contact information has changed, update it in your profile.  It is especially important for you to have a accurate email. Remember the League will not share any of this information outside the League.
  • Household Members: While this is going away as a member type, you will still be able to enter two members together.  What you will need is a unique email address for each member.  If you have not entered that, please do so.  If your household does not have a second email address and you cannot get one, we can discuss how to handle that.
  • Current Renewals:  If you have recently received a renewal reminder, it would probably be a good idea to go ahead and renew as soon as possible, so you can renew using the current process.  You will receive notice when we switch over to the new system, and you will be directed to the new system after that.  Most current members still have the old renewal date of July 1, so the new system will have had its shakedown time before that.

All other functions on our Website will remain the same.
LWV Sonoma Website

The most dramatic changes will be in the member types and the way dues will be shared across the  national, state and local levels of the League. Life memberships will remain.  The Dues structure will also change. If you would like to learn more about the planned changes, you can find a write up and FAQs in the member references section. Remember that since this is a members section, you will need to be logged in to get there.

Membership Transformation

You can contact Juanita Roland at is you have questions.

Join the Leadership Team

Don't Be Shy
If You Can Help, Let Us Know

We have several open positions that we need to fill right now, and we will soon be looking for officers for the coming year (starting July 2025). 

These offices are currently open:

  • Executive VP
  • Secretary 
  • Membership Chair
  • Voter Service Chair
  • Community Outreach Chair
  • Posting to Social Media (Facebook and Instagram)
  • Communications: Website Updating, Newsletters, etc.

You can read job descriptions for these at  Job Descriptions, although a few of these are outdated and the actual role can be adapted for the skills and needs of members. 

If you do not feel quite ready to take on the lead, you could also consider co-chairing with another member, and many existing office holders could also use an assistant, which is a great way to learn a role.  

If you can help, contact Donna Roper or the current holder of the office  Contact Us   

Check the Online Calendar for the latest schedule

and for locations or links to virtual meetings.


Recurring Meetings

  • LWV Board of Directors- 1st Saturday of month from 10:30 AM to Noon
  • Advocacy Committee- 1st Wednesday of the month from 10:30 AM to Noon
  • Voter Service Committee- 2nd Thursday of the month from 10:00 to 11:30 AM  (Currently Suspended)
These are Cancelled for December:
  • Youth Outreach Committee- 3rd Tuesday of the month from 10:30 to 11:30 AM
  • Book Group: 3rd Thursday of the month from 10:30 AM to Noon.

Action Items

Election 2024 stats

Contact Your Representatives

We have much more work to do:

Speak up on the issues that matter!

·URGENT: Ask President Biden to ensure the Equal Rights Amendment is published!

·Support the expansion of voting rights!

·Tell your senators to enshrine sex-based equality by affirming the Equal Rights Amendment as part of our Constitution!

·Urge Congress to address the climate crisis and protect our youth!

·Asking Congress to decrease the influence of dark money with the DISCLOSE Act!

·Demand that Congress end voter discrimination and support the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act!

·Demand bipartisan cooperation on voting rights!

The League will sent out calls to action to members and other interested parties  from time to time.

You can sign up for ongoing Action Alerts at the National, State, And local Level:

For National Alerts, to to the LWVUL "Take Action" page, and scroll to the bottom to "Sign Up for Email:    LINK TO LWVUS ALERTS  
For LWV California Alerts, to to "LWVX Sign up for Communication": LINK TO LWVC ALERTS SIGN-UP 
Sonoma County Alerts are sent to all  members.  I you are not a member, you can also receive Alerts and other communication by clicking on the "Add Me to Your Mailing List" link in the upper right of the web page .LWV SONOMA WEBSITE 

Community Events
Held by other organizations that might be of interest to voters.


What the Hell Just Happened?

Sunday, December 15, 4:00 - 6:00 PM PST
Location: Online

Sponsored by the Berkeley, Oakland, SF Alliance

Will the range of progressive voters learn anything???
Take a break from holiday shopping and join our next discussion on the election results and the aftermath.We will offer REDS and BLUES equal opportunity to weigh in.Let's have a rousing and opinionated discussion and learn from each other in keeping with the Braver Angels Way.We will spend most of the meeting in small breakout rooms to promote deep exploration of the topic.Be brave!Share your thoughts and be heard.

Questions? ContactEllen Sears.


Become a Member

League of Women Voters Sonoma County
The most direct way to join or renew your membership is to go to our web site and click on the Join Us button to fill in your contact information, preferences.  You may pay your dues online, or you can print out your invoice and send it along with your dues to our office at the address below.
Here are some links of interest.
LWV Sonoma Web Site
555 Fifth Street, Suite 300-O
Santa Rosa, CA  95401-8301
(707) 545-5943