Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy.
Your Vote is Your Voice | Monthly meeting
“Abolishing the Electoral College”
January 27,11:30 am to 1:00 pm
SRJC Bertolini Student Center
Room 4643 and on Zoom
| | | Our own Robyn Bramhall, youth outreach coordinator & Windsor high school student Lauren Shanahan will be presenting.
This is a hybrid meeting. The in-person event will be at the SRJC Bertolini Student Center, Room 4643.You can find maps as well as the Zoom link in our online calendar.
Event Details and and Maps | Stand Up for Democracy
January 28, 2:00 to 3:00 pm
On Zoom
| | | 2025 will bring challenges to democracy. The League of Women Voters of Sonoma County is meeting these challenges head on with our new sub-committee STAND UP FOR DEMOCRACY. We are tackling how to make basic civics education available to Sonoma County. We'll also encourage the public to join local commissions. Join us and help do this important work!
Link to Event
New Member Orientation
February 22, 10:00 am
LWV Sonoma County Office
| | | New members are invited to attend this orientation meeting and learn more about our league, meet other new and old members and find out about interesting volunteer opportunities.
Event Details |
LWV is Changing the way It Handles Memberships
Planned for February 1, 2025 | | |
Membership Signups and Renewals will soon be handled primarily by LWVUS.
Most members will not need to do anything right now.
Current Renewals: If you have recently received a renewal reminder, it would probably be a good idea to go ahead and renew as soon as possible, so you can renew using the current process
All other functions on our Website will remain the same.
LWV Sonoma Website
The most dramatic changes will be in the member types and the way dues will be shared across the national, state and local levels of the League. Life memberships will remain. The Dues structure will also change. If you would like to learn more about the planned changes, you can find a write up and FAQs in the member references section. Remember that since this is a members section, you will need to be logged in to get there.
Membership Transformation
You can contact Juanita Roland at communications@lwvsonoma.org is you have questions.
| Check the Online Calendar for the latest schedule
and for locations or links to virtual meetings.
| | | Annual Program Planning Meeting
February 24, 11:30am -1:00pm
Finley Community Center, Cypress Room
| | | This in-person event will be at the Finley Community Center, Cypress Room. This is your opportunity to decide what should be our advocacy focus for the next year and what the state League should work on. Mark your calendar. More details to come. |
LVW Bay Area League Day
March 8th 10:00 to 1:00
On Zoom
| | | LWVBA’s annual education forum will focus on the inner workings of regional governance. | Community Events
Held by other organizations that might be of interest to voters. | Reproductive Rights:
Where Do We Go From Here?
January 22, 2025, 1:00- 2:00 PM
On Zoom
| | |
You are invited to a webinar on Reproductive Rights: Where Do We Go From Here? presented by AAUW Silicon Valley Branch, featuring Emily Bazelon, New York Times journalist, Yale Law professor and research fellow, Political Gabfest co-host, and author.
Join AAUW Silicon Valley to hear from Emily Bazelon, noted staff writer for the New York Times Magazine, about the future of reproductive rights.
Ms. Bazelon's writing focuses on law, women, and family issues. She explores shifts in American jurisprudence - for example, how the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe impacts people seeking abortions.
The Zoom event will be held on Wednesday January 22, 2025 1-2 pm Pacific.
Link to Event
Contact Your Representatives
| | | The League will sent out calls to action to members and other interested parties from time to time.
You can sign up for ongoing Action Alerts at the National, State, And local Level:
For National Alerts, to to the LWVUL "Take Action" page, and scroll to the bottom to "Sign Up for Email: LINK TO LWVUS ALERTS
For LWV California Alerts, to to "LWVX Sign up for Communication": LINK TO LWVC ALERTS SIGN-UP
Sonoma County Alerts are sent to all members. I you are not a member, you can also receive Alerts and other communication by clicking on the "Add Me to Your Mailing List" link in the upper right of the web page .LWV SONOMA WEBSITE
Become a Member
League of Women Voters Sonoma County
The most direct way to join or renew your membership is to go to our web site https://www.lwvsonoma.org and click on the Join Us button to fill in your contact information, preferences. You may pay your dues online, or you can print out your invoice and send it along with your dues to our office at the address below.
| Here are some links of interest. | 555 Fifth Street, Suite 300-O
Santa Rosa, CA 95401-8301
(707) 545-5943
| |