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LWV - Sonoma County
555 Fifth St. Suite 300O
Santa Rosa, CA 95401 
Phone #: 707-546-5943
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HomeWhere We Stand

Current Areas of Emphasis


Our League membership votes annually on what local issues we want to follow and advocate for each year.  These are in line with  State and National areas of emphasis, which are decided on alternated years, but may also include areas of special local concern.  More information on each area and specific action we are taking will be available soon:  Watch this space.

  • Making Democracy Work
  • Climate Change & Water Resources
  • Criminal Justice Reform
  • Housing/Homelessness
  • Child Care
  • Transportation
For a list or resources for advocacy, go to our references folder:  Link to Advocacy Resources

Women's Right to Choose

League Responds to Overturn of Roe v. Wade Link to LWV Response

Diversity, Equality, Inclusion, Belonging


LWV is an organization fully committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion in principle and in practice. Diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging are central to the organization’s current and future success in engaging all individuals, households, communities, and policy makers in creating a more perfect democracy.

There shall be no barriers to full participation in this organization on the basis of gender, gender identity, ethnicity, race, native or indigenous origin, age, generation, sexual orientation, culture, religion, belief system, marital status, parental status, socioeconomic status, language, accent, ability status, mental health, educational level or background, geography, nationality, work style, work experience, job role function, thinking style, personality type, physical appearance, political perspective or affiliation and/or any other characteristic that can be identified as recognizing or illustrating diversity.


LWV es una organización totalmente comprometida con la diversidad, la equidad y la inclusión en principio y en la práctica. La diversidad, la equidad, la inclusion, y pertenecer son fundamentales para el presente y futuro éxito de la organización en la participación de todas las personas, hogares, comunidades y políticos en la creación de una democracia más perfecta.

No habrá barreras para la participación plena en esta organización por razón de género, identidad de género, etnia, raza, origen nativo o indígena, edad, generación, orientación sexual, cultura, religión, sistema de creencias, estado civil, estado parental, estatus socioeconómico, idioma, acento, habilidad, salud mental, nivel educativo o antecedentes, geografía, nacionalidad, estilo de trabajo, experiencia laboral, función del rol laboral, estilo de pensamiento, tipo de personalidad, apariencia física, perspectiva política o afiliación y / o cualquier otra característica que identifique, reconozca, o ilustre diversidad.

Local Positions Summary


We support informed citizen participation in the budget process of Sonoma County and its cities including:
  • Preliminary public discussion by decision makers of goals, policies, and priorities.
  • Periodic public review of the effectiveness of programs as measured against their budgetary goals.
  • Public notice of deliberations on issues affecting the budget.
  • Availability of full information to the public.

We support public participation in the franchising process; the interconnection of cable systems in the county for emergency services, county governments, and education links; and public access channels with public participation in their management.


We support measures to promote an open government system that assures opportunities for citizen participation in government decision making. To this end we encourage: 

  • Thorough orientation of officials to open meeting laws.
  • Full and informative agendas and readily available background information for meetings of government bodies.
  • Adequate facilities for public attendance.
  • Public access to meeting records on the most advanced medium possible.
  • The accessibility of elected officials outside of meeting times.

We support a General Plan for Santa Rosa which guides the future of the community in a manner which enhances the quality of life for its citizens socially, economically and environmentally. Among the measures we support are:
  • Consistent policies and ordinances to manage growth and development.
  • Preservation of open space, adequate greenbelts, and the acquisition of additional park land.
  • Improved coordination among city and County agencies and boards to implement the plan
  • Mixed housing types.
  • Rehabilitation, redevelopment and conservation in housing and neighborhoods.
  • Broadly based citizen involvement in the planning process.
  • Periodic review and updating of the General Plan

We support policies to ensure that public systems for the treatment and disposal of wastewater and sludge protect public health and the environment. Such systems should be financed equitably and should be designed to be easily modified, expanded, updated.


We support the Sonoma County General Plan to guide the future of the county to enhance the quality of life for its citizens socially, economically, and environmentally. Among measures we support are: 
  • Consistent policies and ordinances and sufficient staff to implement the Plan.
  • Adherence to the growth rate set forth in the General Plan first by infill of existing communities, and second by compact growth of existing communities. Any necessary new communities should be self-contained.
  • Rehabilitation, redevelopment, and conservation of housing and neighborhoods
  • Periodic review of the zoning ordinance, the building and housing codes, and the General Plan itself.
  • Mixed housing types with emphasis on meeting needs of low income groups.
  • Preservation of open space and greenbelts.
  • Preservation of the coastal area in a natural state with access for the public.
  • Development of adequate transportation facilities in Sonoma County.

We regard provision of an integrated, efficient, multimodal, cost effective public transportation network as an important responsibility of local and regional government.
We believe that the true cost of transportation should be made known and that local tax money should be used to reduce traffic congestion without incurring indebtedness. A variety of funding methods are appropriate including general funds, sales tax revenues and private sources such developers' fees. The funds generated should be spent on the most cost effective traffic reduction projects.

Among the measures we support are:

  • An adequate and convenient integrated public transportation network in Sonoma County.
  • Maintenance and improvement of fixed route service.
  • A county-wide and regional public transportation consortium.
  • Financing based in part on subsidies from local, state, and national sources.
  • Cost effective para-transit service.
  • Land use plans and decisions linked to transportation needs with support for Transportation System Management.

We recognize the need for adequate and fair state funding for local schools. Until that goal is reached, we support increased local funding in Sonoma County's kindergarten through grade twelve schools.
We support local funding through a combination of bond, parcel tax, sales tax, and/or developer fees subject to review of individual proposals as they are developed.


We support a Living Wage Ordinance designed to help as many covered employees as possible to earn wages at or above the poverty level of Sonoma County.


We support local policies that ensure that youth receive fair, equitable and rehabilitative treatment within the Juvenile Justice System in Sonoma County.

We advocate:
  • restorative justice practices and rehabilitate strategies
  • a fitness hearing for all juvenile offenders under the age of 18
  • referral of youth offenders to Juvenile Court when legally permissible
  • transparent and comprehensive data collection and reports
  • elimination of disproportionate minority confinement contact

Full Text of Local Positions

LWVUS Positions

LwV california Positions